Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Summer '19) Answer

Platform Developer I Certification Maintenance (Summer '19) Answer


1.Which attribute can an app builder use to make a dependent picklist screen component in flow screens required?
A. {!$GlobalConstant.True}
2.How can an app builder determine what flow type best meets a specific business process?
A. Flow Templates
3.An app builder needs to notify an account owner of a new support case logged by a high-risk account. Which feature should the app builder use to send a custom notification to the account owner?
A.Notification builder
4.Agents need to be able to see email attachments easily when reviewing cases. Which related list can the app builder add to the case page layout?
A.Files related list
5.Where should an app builder go to create a Lightning letterhead after enabling enhanced letterheads for Lightning email templates?
A. App Launcher>Enhanced Letterhead

Step 2:

1.Setup-->quickfind Enter path settings-->clickon enable-->click on new path
 path Name: Milestones
 Object: Opportunity
 Record Type: Master
 Picklist: Stage
 Click Next in Step 2; we don't need to configure guidance for success on->A. When users reach a specific step in the path, help them celebrate their success with on-screen confetti.

Selected for Celebration: Closed Won
Celebration Frequency: Always
Ensure the path is Active and then click Finish
3. create opportunity record
 stage closed won